Thinking about an electric vehicle?

Why solar makes buying an EV a cheap and sustainable choice. Many Aussies are now considering whether their next car purchase should be an electric vehicle (EV). It makes sense given that EV subsidies and infrastructure are becoming a higher priority for governments looking to address climate change, and the fact that more electric vehicle […]
Save the world and save money: electrify your home

Global action on climate change means governments and industry alike are taking measures to achieve a cleaner, greener, decarbonised future—but what’s the practical reality for Australians who want to create a modern, affordable and eco-friendly lifestyle? For both emissions savings, and household savings, all signs are pointing towards an all-electric future powered by rooftop solar […]
Why regular solar panel cleaning is critical: Keeping your solar system in pristine condition, Part 2

If you want your solar panels to continue to work perfectly and safely—and get the maximum possible savings on power—you need to look after your system. As we explained in Part 1 of this series, a lack of regular, skilled maintenance: Can seriously affect the performance of your solar panels, reducing energy captured Can lead […]
Keeping your solar panel system in pristine condition, Part 1: Why does maintenance matter?

Imagine buying your dream car. It’s shiny. It has that ‘new car’ smell. And, most importantly, it performs beautifully—glides along the road and gets you where you need to be, in style. You wouldn’t purchase a new car then neglect it, would you? You wouldn’t let it get it filthy, fail to get it serviced, […]