Case Studies

This Queensland Tavern Will Pay $100,000 Less For Their Energy Next Year
Industry Hospitality Holistic Energy Procurement Solution Offers sought via competitive tender Over $30,000 variance between highest and lowest offers Customer commercial solar system designed and installed producing $24,000 in savings

How we saved this school $200,000 on their electricity bills
Industry Education Primary / Secondary Tailored Energy Procurement Solution Offers sought via competitive tender Over $40,000 variance between highest and lowest offers Full review of all SME sites Bradford College

Hewitt Cattle
Hewitt Cattle, a leader in the Australian agricultural industry, sought to upgrade their existing electrical infrastructure across their recently acquired property portfolio. They aimed to centralise their operations and reduce costs by using a single homestead.

Brisbane Childcare Centre Solar Power System
The 35 kilowatt system produces approximately 161 kilowatt hours of electricity per day reducing the daily power consumption by up to 60%. The expected savings are $3,900 per quarter or $15,600 per annum

Brisbane Industrial Shed 100kW Solar Power System
The Property Headquarters for a renowned Australian roofing company Pantex Roofing Systems, the roof space is ideal for a large-scale solar system. The business operates between the hours of 8:00am