Hybrid Solar Power Systems
Hybrid Solar Power Systems Generate solar energy during the day and store excess energy in your battery storage system for use at night.

Hybrid Solar Power Systems
As the stability of the national electricity grid starts to fluctuate the value of a hybrid solar system is fast becoming a popular and innovative way of ensuring a steady stream of household energy.
While solar panels are still a great investment, they can only do so much to reduce your electricity bill. By installing a hybrid solar system you can maximise the savings you see from your solar system and reduce your reliance on the grid.
A hybrid solar system is the best way to get the most out of your solar panels. Our systems are designed to work with your existing solar panels to provide maximum savings and, importantly, grid independence
What is a Hybrid Solar System
If you have a rooftop solar panel system installed with a solar inverter (or hybrid solar inverter) and battery storage unit AND your solar system is connected and communicating with the utility grid then you have a hybrid solar system.
Hybrid solar systems are now an affordable and economical option to maximise returns from your solar system and reduce household and business electricity bills – often to zero. If a hybrid solar system is sized correctly it can provide grid independence.
Why install a Hybrid Solar System?
As more and more rooftop solar systems are being installed in Australia hybrid solar systems will become integral to maintain the utility grid viability by storing excess solar energy in battery storage for usage at night.
Professionally engineered hybrid solar systems designed and installed by Spinifex Energy can provide low cost electricity 24/7 for years to come.
Hybrid solar systems can provide energy consumers with:
1. Battery storage for total utility grid independence.
2. Full emergency backup for providing energy during a power outage.
3. Peak Shaving features to further reduce household and business electricity by providing energy at peak usage times when electricity rates are predictably higher than other times of the day.

1. We Collect the Data
We capture your daily energy usage patterns and load profiles and feed the data into our specialised software systems and tools.
2. We Design your System
With data from our technology and the knowledge gained over 10 years on the roofs of homes and businesses we accurately model a solar
3. You Enjoy the Result
Once a design is agreed upon, we carefully manage the entire process from procurement to grid connection to commissioning.